At sochsoch we don't just run our own business we also like to help others. This is where sochsoch digital comes in. With over 20 years of Marketing and E-commerce experience, both Agency and Client Side, we are in a great place to advise you.
Ranging from some of the biggest brands in the UK to newly formed start-ups we've amassed a wealth of knowledge across different digital channels. It's also given us a great perspective on different ways of doing things and an insight on what works best for who.
To get in touch just complete the form below with a brief outline of how we can help. Scroll down further to see what we can do and where that experience has come from.

Digital Transformation
This can mean lots of different things from one business to another, but the key fundamental is common to all - making digital a channel to both communicate and sell to customers.
It doesn't have to be achieved in a single big bang, it can develop through baby steps, but what is key is to have a plan and a roadmap.
Our objective is to always give you that roadmap and a firmed up sense of direction that empowers you to be the owner of your own digital transformation.

E-commerce Strategy
The words E-commerce strategy sound good but fundamentally it means how are you going to find customers, how are you going to talk to those customers and how are you going to sell to those customers - online.
So, how are you?
Well its not one thing, there's no silver bullet solution that so many people promise. It comes down to having a sensible plan that you then adapt as you test and learn.
Sorry, we can't promise the earth but we can promise common sense.

Website Architecture & Build
Your website is your shop window so it needs to reflect you and your business. But it also needs to be built in a way that makes sense for your customers to use.
Now we're not web developers and its likely you aren't either, but that doesn't stop us from building a website.
It also means it doesn't stop you from being able to manage that website after it's been set up. Our aim is to ensure managing a website isn't something scary or costly.

Marketing is full of acronyms and buzz words, this is a key one though. CRM - Customer Relationship Management, is about how you communicate and engage with your customers.
To understand it in a single word just think of the word 'relevant'. What kind of experience does that prospect or customer of yours have - is it 'relevant' to them?
The more relevant you are the greater the engagement, the greater the interest, the greater they convert, the greater they convert again, the greater they recommenced you etc etc.
There are lots of quick wins in this area and gone are the days of this being a hugely costly affair, there are now plenty of very affordable products that enable you to be very effective at costs that work with your budget.
Fundamentally though it comes down to your data. Cue - Data Insight service!

Data Insight & Analytics
Baton accepted from CRM.
The way to view your data is to see it as your very own detective that also does a second shift in your engine room.
You will have data from many different sources, all of it tells you something, the trick is often to know the question to ask and to get it into a format that allows you to then ask the question.
Powered with this new found knowledge it then becomes the means to which you can then target, optimise and personalise. Personalise doesn't just mean name, it means offer, content, communication type and channel, website user journey etc.
Critically it also starts to give you the power of automation which is a must if you want to start to scale.

Social Media Strategy
A common trap within social is that businesses see it as a route to just keep pushing offers.
Certainly shout about your brand and your products but think about how you are when using social media. What mindset are you in?
Social media is a great way of engaging with customers and building relationships, you just need to position your business correctly and that often means content.
Then pick the social channel most relevant to your customers and away you go.
The next step is to then look at layering paid advertising into social, the targeting options are massive but again there's no silver bullet and its a lot of test and learn.
Influencer marketing can also make a real difference, identifying the right micro-influencers can dramatically enhance your brand awareness and sales.
Below are just some of the businesses or brands that have helped create the experience and expertise we have at hand.